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Indian influence in western music – K.Venkatanarayanan

Indian influence in western music – K.Venkatanarayanan If you are one of the "oldies" who love to say that music nowadays is continuously plumbing the depth and often going into the realms of noise, you will understand when I say "those were the days". As an afficinado of Carnatic music, a decade or two back was the time when you could see Carnatic and Read more [...]

Responsibility of guiding students – T.V. Ramprasadh

Responsibility of guiding students – T.V. Ramprasadh Many young men or women come to me with a typical question? Is it viable to take music as a profession ? It is definitely a difficult one to answer.We need to provide real responsible and considered answers to such queries. The options open to people in the music industry are multifold 1)   Read more [...]