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Indian influence in western music – K.Venkatanarayanan

Indian influence in western music – K.Venkatanarayanan If you are one of the "oldies" who love to say that music nowadays is continuously plumbing the depth and often going into the realms of noise, you will understand when I say "those were the days". As an afficinado of Carnatic music, a decade or two back was the time when you could see Carnatic and Read more [...]

SaMaaGaMa by eAmbalam – an Overview – Vidyalakshmi Venkataraman

SaMaaGaMa –Chennai’s first unique outdoor festival of free interactive workshops and performances hosted by eAmbalam was held on 15th & 16th December 2012. Nageswara Rao Park was the perfect setting for the events scheduled. Two venues were prepared- one in the Chess square and the other in the Read more [...]

A.Sathyanarayanan – Guest Blogger

The last of the Bohemians: ambitionless and flow with the breeze. A bit spiritual in outlook and fair in inter- actions. Selfish and self-centered intuitively keep away from me and I don't miss much. I believe - quite strongly - that only a placid mind can create anything of value than a chattering one. I mind my own business and reticent to poke in other's affairs. Vipassana, Vedanta, Writing and Solitude define me. Read more [...]

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