Posted by admin in eAmbalam Musings, Music
on Apr 25th, 2012 | 0 comments
There is absolutely no age for learning. A little child learns music from the tender age of two. Yes, we must initiate the child into formal music at seven, when he can read musical notation and when he can sit focussed in a place for a class at least half an hour. I only advice the children that they should make the most of learning before they are 15 years of age. After that they will be burdened with academic pressures and then pressures in their jobs etc. Learning music after that is a challenge and will be possible only of you are extremely motivated. I was once told by a senior astrologer and thinker that the Samskaara (good values and education) you put into the child at a tender age – before 15 years, will never be lost. It may disappear for some time during the growing years, but will come back strongly after 25 years of age.

The upper limit to learn music is non-existent. You can learn at any age. Learning music relaxes you and is a vibrant activity for the brain and keeps it active. I have had a student Anantha Aiyer from Houston who has done his arangetram (first stage performance) at the age of 73 years. Yes, it is difficult to be seated in a posture for a long time for senior citizens. Some of them find their voices or memory failing.
My advice to anyone who has had a desire to learn, but just couldn’t do it in the race of living, do it NOW and see the difference it makes in your life
T.V. Ramprasadh