raaga (1)

raaga (1)

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a particular type of Indian scale, containing a defined combination of swaras (especially which is pleasant to hear). It is very similar to the Western concept of mode (see mode) – a set of notes with defined relationships with one another. For example, the Western major scale is equivalent to (but not exactly because of gamakas) the shankaraabharaNam raaga, while the minor scale is equivalent to the keeravaaNi raaga. Scales such as harmonic and melodic minor, as well as scales that omit some notes or vary the order of notes are also raagas. One characteristic of all raagas is that they are not dependent on the starting note. Just as C major and G major are still both major scales, shankaraabharaNam is also shankaraabharaNam whether one starts at C or D. No two raagas have the same structure, but there are potentially hundreds of thousands of possible raagas, of which over 5000 have been used

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