Terms And Conditions

  • Please note that articles related to Indian Arts & Culture encompassing performing arts, visual arts, languages, philosophy, Yoga, Indian streams of medicine, Indian Cuisine, only will be entertained.
  • It is a completely educative platform where others and your self can contribute original ideas and views or collate related ones. Please note:
    • Do refrain from using any kind of abusive language.
    • Do express any disagreement with existing ideas in a courteous manner
  • eAmbalam reserves the right to
    • scrutinize the content,
    • edit the length (if necessary) and other factors,
    • remove abusive posts,
    • refuse to accept or post articles not belonging to the said genre and
    • finalize the posting of any contribution at their prerogative.
  • The best article of the month will be decided upon by our in house panel of subject experts and no dispute on their decision will be entertained.


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