
Celebrity Connect Art & Work
Get instant updates, live streams, newsfeeds and broadcasts from social media pages of your favourite celebrity artists.

Dream of a career in arts? We have a comprehensive list of career opportunities currently available in the field of arts and culture.
Spotlight You Share Your Bio
Have an artistic talent? Looking for a break? Submit a short video recording of yours and the best artistic talent will be showcased as the "Performer of the month". Participate for Free.

Upload a short bio of yours with picture here- perfect place for artist and community to meet. For better results avail our Promote your Profile option.

Donate Time/Money What are you listening to now?
Here, we provide willing users the opportunity to volunteer their assistance both financially and through offering their teaching services to underprivileged individuals and institutions with a keen interest in Indian classical performing arts.

Tell us!! Display the album title, announce the artist's name, share the link, showcase your favourite playlist, share, discuss, argue and revel about your latest musical experience.

Lyrics and Meanings Blog Here
Find a treasure trove of lyrics of compositions with meanings, arranged in alphabetical order with facility for users to add their lyrics post too.

Have something to say, to share, to discuss on arts? Spark off a conversation with your thought provoking blog. The best "Blog of the month" will be showcased in our special section for the same.
Articles on Indian Arts & Culture  
Access an archive of scholarly articles to Indian Arts & Culture encompassing performing arts, visual arts, languages, philosophy, Yoga, Indian streams of medicine, Indian Cuisine here. Users can post their own researched based articles and the best of entries will be showcased in the "Winners of the month" section.  


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