Diseases and cure through Acupuncture
Human body has the potential to self-sustain. The body can rectify even the smallest problems caused by atmospheric changes like climatic reasons even before we know it. Violating natural laws is the beginning of disease. Hungry but not taking food, taking food when there is no hunger, eating more than required, working when you need rest, unhealthy food habits etc are against natural laws. In addition to this smoking, alcohol and other bad habits increase disease. All these cause stagnated waste in the internal organs. By nature, the stagnated wastes come out. We should help this process in the body condition. Instead, if we indulge against nature, the stagnated waste develops and spoils the function of organ pertaining to it. Further, due to unhealthy foods and habits, disease developed will damage the internal organs.
Some Diseases and their treatment:-
- Psychosomatic disorders:-
We cannot relate mental diseases only to the brain. The brain reflects the imbalance in the exertion of the internal organs.
Say, a person with heavy appetite hears distressing news. His desire to eat diminishes immediately. Stomach loses its function when the rest of the organs like heart, lungs and kidneys are still working well. i.e., mental difficulties like grief and worry are related to the disorders of the stomach.
In the same manner, anxiety brings heaviness in the chest. Sobbing brings shortness of breath. Sobbing increased by anxiety causes problem to the lungs. Children with fear discharge urine. Under-activity of the kidneys relates to fear. Alcohol damages the liver. A drunkard gets anger easily. The liver’s under-activity relates to anger.
Analyzing the behavioral changes identifies the disease center. By balancing the energy of the particular organ and restoring its function, the mental behavior is corrected. Hence, we do not relate mental diseases to brain.
- Hereditary diseases:-
Kidneys play an important role in development and growth of the genital organs and the offspring. The activity against the mother’s nature during pregnancy reduces the energy of the kidneys. Chemical drugs, unnatural foods taken during pregnancy further damage the kidneys.
During this stage, the foetus grows with weak organs. The under-activity of these organs in later stage transforms into hereditary diseases. Acupuncture treatment for problems during pregnancy, removes hereditary diseases as well as paves the way for normal and pleasurable childbirth.
- Blood Pressure:-
We can cure BP easily as it is not at all a disease. Blood flow increases to restore damage/deficiency in any organ. It is impossible without increased heart rate and BP.
High blood pressure should indicate that there is damage in some organ. Pulse Diagnosis can easily identify that organ. By balancing its necessary energy, high blood pressure is reduced, thereby normal heart rate and BP are restored.
E.g. legs, hands and face swells for problems in the kidneys. Now Then, blood pressure develops. When gas problem increases in stomach, BP also increases. BP increases when the liver gets damaged due to alcohol.
- Diabetes:-
Diabetes means that less insulin is secreted by the pancreas. This is the cause for Diabetes. The end-product - glucose, gained by our unhealthy food habits and under-activity of digestive organs is poor in quality. We know that in cholesterol there is high density (good) and low density (bad).We have the same in glucose too.
The quality of glucose we get by digestion determines the secretion of insulin. The insulin secretion reduces by half when the quality of glucose gets half by digestion. Insulin secretion goes on reducing when the quality of glucose gets poorer and poor. The kidneys remove the poor quality glucose as urine from the blood stream. The poorer the glucose more the urine discharge.
Heavy appetite and reduction in body weight happens. Urine discharges the poor quality glucose. Artificially, when drugs and medicines stop this poor quality glucose in the body the liver followed by the kidneys collapse gradually. The human immune system will not accept or tolerate any foreign DNA or proteins like insulin drugs which are drugs to trick, suppress or control it longtime.
The basic reason for Diabetes is the increase in poor quality glucose available in the blood. Acupuncture treatment controls and balances the digestion (energy restored by in the under-acting digestive organs) by fully discharging poor quality glucose as urine. The body then gets good quality glucose. Health regains as insulin secretion increases naturally.
Symptoms of disease occur in an organ. The symptoms increase alarmingly and the organ gradually gets damaged, as there is lack of knowledge about the disease. The testing equipment (scan, etc.,) and investigation reports show pictures of the damaged part only in this condition. Now Then, by surgery they simply remove the affected part from the body.
For example, Appendicitis is a common problem. It does not occur suddenly. For many years acute pain in the lower abdomen comes and goes is present on and off. When drugs maximize this, they do emergency operation. Even in the case of the uterus, they promptly remove the uterus after prolonged treatment. The uterus problems of women are neither understood nor rectified!
Benefits of Acupuncture:-
In Acupuncture we can cure any prolonged illness by regulating our energy cycle.
Patients who seek acupuncture are mainly those who suffer from long standing chronic problems such as back and neck pain, headaches and migraines, arthritis, cancer, neurological disorders, anxiety, and depression. These problems strike women more than men, which could certainly explain why currently more women are using acupuncture than men.
Conventional healthcare providers are beginning to view acupuncture as an effective complementary modality to conventional care, and its use is being recommended more and more. Acupuncture is also gaining a reputation for efficacy and as an attractive drug- and surgery-free option for many patients. An extensive review of studies has shown that acupuncture is effective.